“OAuth/OIDC Component as a Service”

Authlete's APIs are carefully crafted to focus on the core of OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect (OIDC). You can choose to build a complete OAuth/OIDC server with Authlete, or simply integrate Authlete with existing service components such as identity and access management (IAM) and API gateways.

Just Forward OAuth/OIDC Requests to Authlete

You don't have to evaluate client requests and implement protocol logic. Forward each incoming request to Authlete; we'll manage the protocol steps and issue tokens on your OAuth/OIDC server's behalf, supplying each response for you to simply return to the client.

Reduce Time and Cost to Follow Identity Standards

Authlete is an OpenID Certified and Financial-grade API (FAPI) compliant solution, supporting Identity Assurance, Grant Management, and many other OAuth/OIDC extensions.

Authlete Sponsors EIC 2024
Authlete sponsors Identiverse 2024
Authlete Sponsors OAuth Security Workshop 2024 and 2nd International Workshop on Trends in Digital Identity
EARTHBRAIN Adopts Authlete to Insource Smart Construction Platform Development

Try Authlete Now

You can try Authlete for 30 days, free of charge.

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